Women’s Midweek Bible Study


  • 29/01/2025
  • Wednesday, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

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Women’s Midweek Bible Study

Wednesday, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM


Women’s Midweek Bible Study

Wednesday, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM


Our Women’s mid-week meetings are held at 7pm on Wednesdays in various homes.  They are a precious time of refreshing and fellowship. We spend time in prayer and study a portion of Scripture together.

NOTE: On the first Wednesday of each month we have a united prayer time as a Church and both our men’s and women’s meetings that week are paused and resume the following week. Please see the home page calendar for further details.

It is probably easier to hear from some of the women themselves to get more of a sense of the time of fellowship we have.

For me, the women’s meetings have become a very important part of my life. It is more than just a gathering of ladies for tea and a chat. It is where my faith is being built up, where I am learning the Bible, God’s indescribable love for us all, and also how to pray in line with God’s Word. This is having an impact on all areas of my life, especially as a mum (where the gift of patience is always needed!). I find that as my relationship with God grows, and also as I share with the other ladies and learn about their circumstances and experiences, I feel encouraged and supported. We have become more than friends, we are a family, and I love my family. (Feli)

Ever since I’ve started to attend New Life’s women’s meetings, after a few weeks I have seen a lot of positive changes in my life. I look forward to every session. Each member to me is like a meal to my soul!! They have led me to Christ!! The caring and sharing and praying with such love is more than anyone could ask for… I’ve found my new family in the Church and also in the women’s group which I am committed to. They’ve helped and showed me how to pray, and understand the Bible wholeheartedly. It is like Christ has tattooed a permanent  impact in my life, and I have thanked with all my heart the members that make it all possible... (Joan)

I really miss it when I can’t go. We read and share the Bible with others and in the discussion, I understand more than on my own. I’ve learned a lot. (Brenda)

Meeting with the women of the church is one of the highlights of my week. I always come away encouraged in my faith and blessed with the many friendships God has given me. Because the Bible is central to all our meetings, I have seen an increase in faith in myself and the women around me. It is such a privilege to see God at work. (Berenice)

There are so many reasons why I love and attend our woman’s meetings. One being that I can let my hair down! It is a place where I am encouraged, uplifted, cared for, listened to and not judged. We have a great time of fellowship, studying the Word of God and learning different opinions from each other. It is a day I look forward to especially when I have been unwell. I always try and go, no matter how I feel, and I always come home feeling lighter and encouraged. I also love learning from the others as we all bring different backgrounds and experiences… especially the older women, they are so wise and I learn a lot from them. I feel so blessed! (Hazel)